Thursday, July 3, 2008


I have been trying a new putting practice game that seems to be real confidence booster. Take 5 golf balls and start by stepping off 20 feet from a hole (7 paces is 21 feet more or less) and putting those 5 to the hole. Then step off 5 paces, or 15 feet, and putt those 5 to the hole. Then step off a little over 3 paces plus a little, or 10 feet. Then putt the 5 balls from 2 paces or 6 feet. Then 1 pace or 3 feet. See if you can make more out of 5 as you progress closer to the hole. By putting the same line from 20 feet in you will dial in and it is amazing how many of the 6 foot and 3 foot putts you will make. Even more amazing is how many out of 5 you will make at 10 feet. I found you make a lot of these putts in a quick routine, and your putting confidence goes up quickly and dramatically. Try it and let us know if this routine helps your putting any.